Sourcepoint Counseling
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Sourcepoint Counseling

Practical, Effective, Values-Based Therapy, Coaching, and Human Design Consultation


Self-awareness, Healing & Growth


Welcome to Sourcepoint Counseling with Carolyn Davis, EdD, Psychotherapist. I offer psychotherapy, coaching, and Human Design consultation for individuals, couples and families. My approach includes developing increased self-awareness, releasing perceptual & behavioral attachment to past events, learning new skills, and experimenting with different ways of being, all of which helps to make sense of what we've experienced and live with more openness, confidence, and satisfaction.

A variety of concerns and circumstances might bring you to our connection; challenging things happen which cause pain, hurt, and confusion. When these experiences are internalized, repetitive negative thoughts and memories become a filter distorting how we see ourselves, others, and life in general. These perceptual blocks lead to feeling stuck, self-sabotage and conflict in relationships. 

The counseling and coaching process, along with experimenting with new approaches in daily life, changes self-perception and brings stronger alignment with personal power. This shift in being as authentic, individuated self creates greater understanding, pleasure and fulfillment in all dimensions of life. 


Recover a connection with what matters to you most. Live the life you want. BE REAL IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS.


Counseling and coaching for teens, adults, couples and families.

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Support for health and wellness concerns such as:

Stress, anxiety
Life stage transitions
…and more



Ready to move forward?

Please text or complete this contact form and then I'll be in touch with you to set up a time to get together.

Call or Text: (414) 902-0290